About Library

The Central library is located in the Centre of the Institute, where visitors can approach easily. It is well equipped with the new and modern furniture including optimizers (stacks on tracks). The sitting area of the users is fully air conditioned. Each sitting area/ hall is having different reading cubicles for the users. Library Database has been computerized through KOHA Library. Management Software and books are issued through RFID System & Smartcard. It has 15,847 Sq. feet plinth area in two floors (Ground and first). The reading halls of Central Library are air conditioned with glass partition Library has separate stack halls for books, periodicals (current and bound volumes), video cassettes, Reference Section and Book Bank.
Library Automation and computerization
The Central library has a Library Management Software - KOHA (Open Source Software) customised for Institute. The circulation services have also been automated through RFID enabled system.
Network/ Internet Facility
Library is having LAN and Wi-fi connectivity for Internet based services, which is operable on 24X7. The database & server of the library are maintained by the institutes COE department. Users are allowed to bring their own laptops.
RFID system
Full form of RFID is Radio Frequency Identification; RFID is a technology similar in theory to bar code
identification. With RFID, the electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the RF portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum is used to transmit signals.
Instruction for Usage
The user has to insert his/her smart card on Smartcard Printer attached to RFID KIOSK. The system will
for username, password. User has to feed in the same. User's details will appear on screen and then
can put book(s) on work station platform. The system will show the options like borrow, return, renew,
exit. Opt any of them for processing the circulation (issue/return/renew).
The user has to use Intelligent Trolley for returning (check in) the books back installed
Gate Antenna
If the books are taken without RFID processing, the electronics gates will detect the theft raisning
buzzer. User has to ensure the proper processing of books through RFID systems.
Library has subscribed/procured about 32,725 e-Journals from renowned publishers like Emerald, IEEE, McGraw Hill, Oxford University Press, Sage and Taylor and Francis. About 3551 e-Books (perpetual basis) of various subjects published by Pearson, Sage, Springer, McGraw Hill, Tata McGraw Hill, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Cengage Learning, De Gruyter, World Scientific.
Delnet & Other Database Services
The Central Library is member of 'Developing library Network DELNET (Database service). Users can access various databases of about 2 crore books, journals, thesis and dissertations, non print materials etc, which available with 4697 Indian and Foreign libraries. Also users can borrow the books from other libraries under 'INTER LIBRARY LOAN' scheme. Access Science-database (EST) is also available.
Approximately 300 users (Faculty, Staff, Students and fee based members) visit the library daily.
Other Features
The central library has been equipped with
1. CCTV Surveillance System with 32 Cameras (including video recording) covering entire Library
2. Smoke Alarm system.
3. Biometric Attendance System (staff)
Library Section Location
Ground Floor
Entrance lobby
Librarian Office
Assistant Librarian Office
Circulation Counter
Book bank
Newspapers and Magazines
Stack Area
Four A.C. Reading Halls
Acquisition Section
Processing Section
Display of New Arrivals (Central Hall)
First Floor
Periodicals Section
Assistant Librarian Office
Reference Section
Thesis/ Dissertation Section
Bound Volume Collection
Meeting Room
Video /CD-ROM Section